Hong Kong Confidential Podcast / 香港机密博客
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Music has always been a huge part of Kate Targett-Adams’ life. She started playing the Celtic harp as a child and it has been a lifelong passion. Cooking is also another passion of Kate's and she made it to the finals of Master Chef when she was a young girl. Eventually, she had to chose between her love of music and cooking when deciding her career path. Music won over and Kate has excelled in her career as a singer, songwriter and harpist. She has many performed at many illustrious events, playing for dignitaries, celebrities and at international leaders across the globe. She is a celebrity in her own right, particularly in China where she sings many of her songs in Mandarin and wins the audience over with her ethereal voice, her talent, and her beauty. Kate has also established a company called Super Style Asia, where she teaches etiquette classes and personal branding to people from all walks of life. This all began when Kate was asked to teach etiquette to the Miss Universe China contestants. Kate has expanded her business into etiquette for any occasion and her aim is to help people embrace a “code for polite behavior” whilst she considers the cultural norms and traditions of the people she is working with. Kate also teaches Ceroc dance and has helped many people create their wedding dances or just have some fun with dance classes for all. Kate has shared some of her beautiful music in this podcast which is a real treat for our listeners.
音乐一直是凯特生活中的重要组成部分。她从幼年就开始弹凯尔特竖琴,这是她毕生的热情所在。而烹饪是凯特的另一个爱好,在她还是个儿童的时候就曾进入过主厨决赛。最终,在决定自己的职业道路时,她不得不在热爱的音乐和烹饪之间做出选择。在认真考虑后,凯特选择了音乐,而这样的慎重选择,使她在歌唱家、作曲家和竖琴演奏家生涯中表现出色。她曾在许多杰出的活动中,为各国显要、名人和全球各地的领导人演出。而她也是蜚声世界的名人,尤其是在中国,她的中文演唱赢得了许多的赞誉,她用空灵的声音,杰出的才华和优雅身影赢得了观众的喜爱。凯特还成立了一家名为“Super Style-Asia”的公司,在那里她向来自各行各业的人教授礼仪课程和传导个人品牌。这一切开始于凯特被邀请作为环球小姐中国选手的礼仪导师。凯特已经将她的事业扩展到所有可能的场合,她的目标是帮助人们接受“礼貌行为守则”,与此同时她也把与不同国家、地区、民族的文化规范和传统结合起来,兼容并蓄,发扬光大。凯特还教受切罗克舞蹈,并帮助许多人创作了他们的婚礼舞蹈,当然偶尔也只是在舞蹈课上为所有人带来一些乐趣,正是这样成就了一位传播美和快乐的使者。凯特在这个播客中分享了她的一些美妙的音乐,这对我们的听众来说是一种真正的享受。